Monday 26 April 2010

In Pursuit of Happiness

I watched the movie yesterday, In Pursuit of Happyness but I couldn't bring myself to write happiness incorrectly in the post title. Guess that says something about my character, right or maybe I just watch to much of these criminal profiling shows to think that refusing to spell happiness incorrectly has a much more DEEPER meaning????

I can't believe so much time has lapsed since I wrote something on my blog. I used to look at other people's blogs and think wowwwwwww, how come they haven't written anything in months and now I find myself on the otherside of the Looking Glass!!!!! But who cares, point is I'm here now and I'm still alive and able to write on here if I chose too. So, here is my long awaited POST...yes, I'm BACK in the BUILDING so to speak.

I feel like I've been given happy pills for the past four months because I'm so unbelievably happy. I would say I've been drinking the happy milk in this picture except the fact that I detest milk....well, only milk that has no artificial flavours or preservatives!!! But, nonetheless I think similarly to Will Smith (if you've had the pleasure of watching the movie) I discovered happiness. I never thought I'd find it so far from my little abode in England....BUT I think I found a taste of heaven in Korea.

I'm quite simple minded...given that I don't really care to over complicate matters as I believe even complicated matters...all begin with simplicity before they're duplicated and manipulated or whatever!!!! Point is....I feel like I'm in paradise. What has changed in my life to make me feel such bliss on earth. I wonder. I mean I'm not doing my dream job and the money that I'm making isn't pushing anything to Bill Gates. But I think I found something that money cannot buy and that is an angel. I found an angel in Korea and now everyday I feel like I'm sitting on top of the world. It's so magical how four letters can make such a difference to your whole world.