Wednesday 25 February 2009

Movie Madness - SlumdoG Millionaire

I heard all the talk. I saw the Oscars. It's the new buzz. Everyone wants to know is Slumdog Millionaire any good and my answer is NO, it's complete and utter rubbish. HAHAHA.....I wish I could say that it was rubbish with all those Oscar awards and the great reviews but the fact is SLUMDOG MILLIONAIRE IS GREAT!!!!!

I totally love films that show some of the social issues faced in other countries people travel to when they wish to escape from their own world and to enjoy time immersed in another culture. This is when I'm torn in what to say because who wants to be that party pooper who blabs about the film so much that you feel like you've watched it already...well, certainly not ME.

So, i will do my best to keep this short and sweet. The movie was rejected by Hollywood but god bless Danny Boyle for believing in his truly paid off (this isn't true for everyone...sometimes they need to GIVE UP but this time self belief was RIGHT). The story itself is pretty simple in that you don't need to be well educated genius to answer questions on a game show. No, no you can learn your answers from Life and what a life this teen in Mumbai had lived to learn the answers to questions that would give him the chance to change his life forever (his true love of course). All in all this is a truly entertaining film and I loved it...i have my favourite moments one of them including the lengths the kid in the photo went through to see his favourite actor (i could've died from laughing----HILARIOUS)!!!!!!

Badminton so Rocks

Isn't it great when you find something you totally enjoy doing and you look forward to doing this one particular thing. Usually for most people that isn't work...unless you're like one of the small majority of people doing your dream job and the people in your workplace are the most friendliest of people (the backstabbers are absent from your office-----hmmmmmmm is that even possible). Well, if you're that small majority ....count yourself lucky but NO GLOATING please.

I'm going off on a tangent here----back to the thing i enjoy doing. I have a long list of things i enjoy but that is forever changing because change is usually always a good thing. Where am I going with this ....yes yes badminton....BADMINTON....i've been getting back into it after an unwanted hiatus because my partner was ill (trust me to pick a sport that needs a partner) BUT she is back in action. Yesterday marks the 4th week of our return to the court and whoaaaaaaa are we getting competitive or what.

I had the most fantastic time....i was running, i was jumping, i had the back handed shots, the drop shots weren't cutting it.....i was jumping and SMASHING that shuttle over the net and SNIFF SNIFF....she was a tough opponent this week. I mean she like had the eye of the Tiger as i won the last match (Brush the Dirt of my Shoulder). I'm thinking was she sitting on youtube watching the Thomas Cup or something because boy oh boy did she want to win this thing and she did and I'm not a sore loser or anything. But I'm the COMEBACK CHAMP ....i won't lose 2 weeks in a row....i couldn't face that kind of defeat!!!!

Bring it on babyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy :)

You're Going DOWN SUCKER......yeah i give a lot of talk and guess what sometimes i can walk the WALK!!!!!

Sunday 22 February 2009

Monkey Business

I spent the majority of my day at my grandma's......yes yes, i was little red riding hood for the day. We're all there waiting for the food of course but i was kind of late so they were already eating. Everyone knows grannie's cooking isn't as good as it used to be but hey she's got early stage alzhiemers.....what can you least she can still cook and in my opinion it still tasted better than other people's food.....people with full control of their mental faculties who just SUCK at cooking!!!!

So, we've all been fed and that's when the jokes start rolling comes the might not like our sense of involves some recent real life disturbing news. I hadn't been up to speed on some of the recent events happening in Stamford, Connecticut. My uncle took the liberty of informing us all about the Chimpanzee attack BUT the story went different according to my uncle.

The uncle version----- this chimp was living the life....fine dining.....eating the best food....dressing was TV star no less and then he just went all NATIVE due to jealousy and attacked it's owners visitor----ripped out the woman's eyes, tore of her jaw (inspired after watching Kong..the scene with the T Rex) and then he took off both her hands. The owner stabbed the Chimp in the back but he was unstoppable fueled by monkey power ---he ran out the house....ripped the door off the police car and took 2 bullets before he ran to his cage to die.

This is not the way the story went but my uncle was just amazed with this chimpanzee and i must admit when he told us....i died laughing!!!! But when i listened to the 911 sounded so distressing.

Here's the thing.....a chimpanzee is no tabby's a wild animal. I really wonder why would you want to have a Chimp as a pet and this is why even though the story is tragic....i find it hard to be sympathetic. Apparently, the chimp was called Travis he was 14 years old and had a sapien's level CV (hilarious) which meant he could use computers and drink wine from a wine glass!!!! WTH does that mean ...oh his not a chimp darling he went to harvard!!!!!

Fact remains a CHIMP is a CHIMP and who knows why he attacked that woman....maybe he was having a bad day. The only difference is that when a wild animal has a bad day and possessing it's BRUTE STRENGTH it can cause irreparable damage. People need to stop keeping wild animal as pets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday 19 February 2009

Show me The Money!!!!

I'm getting so fed up recently with the lack of customer service you get when you go shopping. Most of the people in retail tend to be students and seem to have this annoying attitude like i might be doing this job BUT
don't think I'm intellectually inferior. Hmmmmmm.....who cares is my motto ...i couldn't care less if this was your only ambition in life...all i want is service with a SMILE.

It seems to have disappeared at such point that once quintessential service with a smile to all PAYING customers. Now it's like just SHOW ME THE MONEY and
kerching.....i couldn't care less if you leave this store and get hit by a train!!!!!

Get ready for the little rant that's building up here. I walk into the perfume shop with my friend...he wants some aftershave. So, he spots the Gucci he asks my opinion....
I'm impressed.....the Justin Timberlake catches my eye....i wonder what the Givenchy smells like BUT low and behold the two slots in front the display for the Play aftershave are EMPTY. I ask the lady behind the counter where the tester was....she's like it's in the counter (note to's not on the display counter where it needs to be hence the QUESTION). I brush it off with a quick can we smell it....she's like you mean you want to TRY IT (note to self is she taking the PISS or what...when you intend to try a fragrance ...aren't you in effect smelling the stuff)....i felt like saying NO...i want to drink the bottle...that's how desperate i am to taste some ALCOHOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He ends up buying the Gucci because the
Givenchy in my opinion was a bit too feminine. Anyways, the point is nearly every store you go into you have too put up with this substandard service. Well, weren't they lucky i wasn't a mystery shopper because i certainly wouldn't have held back the punches. I think you get the drift of my gripe......WTF.......why does the world need to know you dislike your job!!!!!!! When you're doing a job serving customers who are departing with their hard earned cash ....a bit of politeness and the old service with a smile wouldn't go a miss!!!!

Last note....i spotted the cute Gwen
Stefani Perfume....Harajuku Lovers!!!! I don't know if it smelt good though BUT 10 outta 10 for packaging :)

Tuesday 17 February 2009

Hating Hate

Sometimes it really amazes me how something said brings the things hidden beneath the surface to the forefront. It is truly a sad thing the amount of power race has over people. I mean if you look at it simply people are in fact mammals more specifically homo sapiens BUT nonetheless we are mammals. So, really we are the same but there is so much inter species HATRED.....then we say we are the most intelligent mammal BUT is this really so. I mean to hate someone because their skin is a different shade to yours and they have different beliefs, ethics, ideologies, just a different cultural background.....why is this a cause too hate.

I often think about this and it amazes me that we can say with a straight face that we are the most intelligent mammals on the planet!!!!! If our species doesn't eradicate each other through our small minded way of thinking, well that would be a MIRACLE in my eyes. People often say silly things too me that race doesn't matter but whenever something which is racial is said people try to dismiss this like it never happened. Or what I mentioned at the start happens--- things that are hidden beneath the surface feel relieved to breath the air of freedom. For instance a TV presenter was having a private chat with her co worker and felt it was acceptable to describe someone else as looking like a Golliwog (if you truly don't know what this is...well, it's like a doll but it's a racist caricature which usually is BLACK with BIG RED LIPS and this used to be a widely acceptable way to depict black people)!!!! Now, everyone is entitled to their opinion but when someone says what was said is RACIST. No no no---it wasn't racist is usually the response or the real ugly face of the person is revealed as some people have said and would say....well, if you don't like it GO BACK TO YOUR OWN COUNTRY!!!!! So, not only must some people tolerate racism but they aren't even entitled too express when they feel offended. If you say something and it turns out that you've offended the person well isn't it then natural to apologise.

End note Racism is skin and if this can be used as such a thing to HATE a person and deny them a right to social EQUALITY well.....can you keep a straight face and say we are the most intelligent mammals on the planet with such a PRIMITIVE way of thinking.

Saturday 14 February 2009

SPreaDing The Love - HAppy VaLenTines

I guess this a day for lovers....happily married couples...a time to confess your undying love for another or an opportunity for you to express your feelings to someone you've been admiring from a far (STALKER...hahaha). Another Valentines Day is upon us and I didn't even switch on my mobile phone!!!!! Well, if you're one of the lucky people fortunate to have someone special in your life (NOT A RELATIVE) but a significant other I hope you showed that person how glad you are that they are in your life. At this particular moment in time LOVE is most certainly not in the air in fact i think it took a vacation to never never LAND a little while ago...checked into a hotel and is definitely living a vida loca without ME!!!! But fear NOT for i will never turn my back on Love so *kissey kissey* from me to you on Valentines :)

While typing this post I had this song in my head so I'm gonna post it....even though it's not a typical love song....i still think it counts as a love song and it might be a little different but hey i reckon we're all a little different and that's a great thing!!!