Sunday 31 May 2009

Big Ben - 150th Anniversary

I went on Google like I do nearly every single day since I had the Internet and today it informed me that it's Big Ben's 150th anniversary. So, I put my Private Eye Head on and decided to bore you silly with random information about Big Ben.  You never know when random information will come in handy--maybe you'll be in a quiz one day and the information you read here could give you that winning ADVANTAGE!!!!

Big Ben is one of London's best-known landmarks, and looks most spectacular at night when the clock faces are illuminated. You even know when parliament is in session, because a light shines above the clock face.

The four dials of the clock are 23 feet square, the minute hand is 14 feet long and the figures are 2 feet high. Minutely regulated with a stack of coins placed on the huge pendulum, Big Ben is an excellent timekeeper, which has rarely stopped.
The name Big Ben actually refers not to the clock-tower itself, but to the thirteen ton bell hung within. The bell was named after the first commissioner of works, Sir Benjamin Hall.

This bell came originally from the old Palace of Westminster, it was given to the Dean of St. Paul's by William III. Before returning to Westminster to hang in its present home, it was refashioned in Whitechapel in 1858. The BBC first broadcast the chimes on the 31st December 1923 - there is a microphone in the turret connected to Broadcasting House.

During the second world war in 1941, an incendiary bomb destroyed the Commons chamber of the Houses of Parliament, but the clock tower remained intact and Big Ben continued to keep time and strike away the hours, its unique sound was broadcast to the nation and around the world, a welcome reassurance of hope to all who heard it.

There are even cells within the clock tower where Members of Parliament can be imprisoned for a breach of parliamentary privilege, though this is rare; the last recorded case was in 1880.
The tower is not open to the general public, but those with a "special interest" may arrange a visit to the top of the Clock Tower through their local (UK) MP.

Wednesday 27 May 2009

Angels & Demons - 2 for 1 NIghtmare!

I've just got home from what I would call an eventful day. I had a telephone interview from some company in Canada recruiting on behalf of EPIK and if you're unfamiliar with that acronym-----I'm considering a job teaching in South Korea. Yes, I know that North Korea is going fully war crazy at the moment---I guess the closer you are to death the more alive you feel..hahahaa. No but seriously it is a once in a lifetime opportunity and I totally managed to pass the screening process. So, now I complete the application and pray and Pray some more that my application makes it through and I get an interview with EPIK.

Am like so EXCITED right now that if I could fly I would be like orbiting the moon now doing some mad space Capoeira Kung fu shit!!!!

That aside I went to the cinema today and was meant to be like getting in on the whole 2 for 1 ticket with Orange Wednesday BUT thanks to my companion they forgot I'm not even on the Orange network. So, they text their son to find out if he could text Film to 241 to get us the code for cinema ticket el cheapo. By this time we are in the long queue--son replies he isn't on Orange mobile ---GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. Next call is made to younger bro---he replies---Mom is on Orange. Oh trauma is setting in--people are passing us in the queue as we need the el cheapo code---phone mom with instructions. Another 10minutes later, still no text---DESPAIR kicks in and another phone call reveals mom didn't understand the instructions and older bro is texting Orange. Almost 20 minutes later no code---Oh dear ---time to pay the extra cash---luckily the cashier felt our pain and gave us one ticket at a reduced price. Or did he fancy one of us girlies who cares he saved us a grand total of £1.75---hehehee.

After waiting from the order from HELL in the queue before us ---I make it into the film just as its starting and I was pretty happy with our selection Angels & Demons. I felt it was a good adaptation of the book and some may differ and that's your god given right BUT I enjoyed it and after paying full price for my cinema ticket---I'm entitled to disagree. If you have read the book----you will like the movie---hopefully.

Tuesday 26 May 2009

Sexy Heels---Me_oW

I was thinking today is a day for heels, so I went into the cupboard to pull out a new cute pair of heels. I bought them a month ago and I felt today was the perfect day for their christening. I had my knee high socks, my shorts, my shirt and my heels----well, that's at least what was meant to happen in my well planned out image. So, I try on the shoes---left foot---looking splendid---va va vroom sexy---right foot----gaaaaaaaaaaa---killer BIG foot syndrome---the stupid shoe was just too tight to last from 9 til 5. SIGH---goodbye sexy kitten--me_oW.

Hello replacement Pumps not so sexy image. Goodbye Sex in the City----GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. The day I plan to wear heels because I don't want to be that chick who can't walk in heels or worse my foot start to look out of place in heels!!!! I mean I need practice--I don't think I wore any heels for at least two months or more---too work---this is tres mal!!!!! Tomorrow's forecast is Heels all the way but first I must buy some in-soles.

Sunday 24 May 2009

Gaming Madness!!!

I'm not really into gaming but you know the rest of the world love a bit of the XBOX 360 and the PS3 and if you don't know what I'm talking about you clearly aren't into gaming. If you have well defined THUMBS you are officially a GAMING FREAK and everyone knows at least one. So, I came across something today that just had me in utter hysterics---it involves the PS3. I guess when you pay £300+ for a computer you become protective of your new prized possession and that means not even getting any assistance from your brother to set it up. Imagine ---you attempt to play the game BUT the control pad isn't working so you plug it in using the 30cm lead. Now, you still want to play but this involves sitting with your FACE in front the TV.  

I guess this is torture for the SPORT and your face is pressed up close to the TV.
You start to wonder---why have you paid this much for a PS3 if you have to sit so close to the TV. BUt this doesn't deter you---you start to have DIZZY spells but this still doesn't deter you. By day2 you're like I must get a new controller with a longer lead this is RIDICULOUS but you continue GAMING and the headaches continues and you rub your sore eyes but you remain UNDETERRED.

By day3 your brother walks past your room and sees what must have been a most hilarious sight and spares you the PAIN that you have endured for an impressive 3 days no LESS. He utters these words from a broad grin this pad is wireless you know---you let out a SIGH of relief ---3 days!!! OMG :)

Tuesday 19 May 2009

Something is in the Air!!!

Well, i think with the change of season comes a new air of confidence that is wafting in the streets of Birmingham.  I know I don't wear dresses often BUT I knew something was different when a friend didn't recognise me and slowed his car AND then felt obliged to drive me into the city centre when he realised i wasn't a potential NEW GIRLfriend.

After the drop off I had an escort service from some random guy called Ryan who insisted that he wanted to take me out for coffee.  At one point  I had to ask him if he was stalking me because he walked a whole 10 minutes out of his way.  Well, if wearing dresses more often has this effect well-----i better wear them more OFTEN. HAHAHAA

I think i will be make more of an effort BUT not too much of an effort am with Pod from SNOG MARRY AVOID (TV show in UK--involving MAKE UNDERs for people who wear outrageous clothes or use excessive FAKE TAN and make up!!!!) --NATURAL BEAUTY all the way!!!! Effort may involve the odd use of heels and may mascara and lipgloss...hahahaa.

Any UK readers----what happened to Jody MArsh?>.>

Sunday 17 May 2009

Chat up Lines

Before I start off I would like to say it really takes a lot of guts to approach a total stranger that you're attracted too and it is something worthy of ADMIRATION!!!!!  That said I sometimes wonder why it's always the less attractive guys that of full of such BRAVADO and why the more attractive ones hardly ever approach anyone....hmmmmm.

This week I was told how wonderful I was by a total stranger and while it was flattering I wasn't really attracted to this person!!!!!!!!!!!  But someone else other than me has had a busy week of guys just randomly chatting her up and here are a few of the lines they have used:

1. I want to link you....I want coffee with you!!!  Be mindful that this was yelled out at full volume on PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION...hmmmmmmmmmmmm why would you do that!!!!!!

2. Are you a nurse because my belly has been hurting since I seen you!!!! Hmmmmm are you sure you just don't need to relieve your bowels----whyyyyyyyyyyy!!!

3.  Look what you made me miss my bus cuz i had to ADMIRE you!!! LoL

Guys guys guys.......please please please say something worthwhile----i know it's difficult but surely when you take the time out to approach someone be mindful that you have something worthwhile to say!!!!

Friday 15 May 2009

Bitch Syndrome

I guess you reach a stage when you post on your blog because you're thinking what to write about.  I guess that's why a lot of people have blogs about a particular topic or some sort of i like movies so I'll write a movie type blog.  Well, I'm a random kind of person so I guess this blog kind of reflects me and my scattered thought process, which is a bit all over the place ----as if you haven't noticed.

Whenever, my fingers hit the keyboard on my laptop and I begin to feel like Beethoven composing my little symphony trumpets are playing at my use of metaphors or is that a simile---oh dear trumpets have STOPPED!!!! So, have the italics---ok back to the point, which is once I start to type something I have no problem continuing.

Ok---back to the title of the post which will hopefully allow me to focus for all of 5 seconds.  So, you must have a boss----a female one---you too happen to be female and you're what you'd modestly describe as attractive.  Well, you must have experienced the  quintessential outbreak of Bitch Syndrome---where your less attractive usually older boss decides they can't deal with your YOUTH and BEAUTY and decide to do any and everything to belittle you at every given opportunity.

If you happen to be this type of female boss---STOP THIS BULLSHIT at once---it's annoying and we all know what you're doing and it makes you look PATHETIC and surely no one wants to be perceived in this way so please leave the cute, pretty, attractive young girls alone and allow us to do our jobs with minimal BITCHINESS!!!!

That's it control the BITCH within :)

Friday 8 May 2009

In the Woods

I had a weekend away and got in touch with nature BUT in luxury!!!!  Yes, steam room, sauna.....even a hot tub....BLISS right????? Well, things didn't go swimmingly.  I'll never understand how people can be so mean.  Why? Why? Why? Do people do the things they do.....LIE, LIE & LIE some more----all this bad karma can't be healthy.  I reckon it must manifest itself in some horrid form.  

Apart from the witchlike behaviour I had a great time in the woods.  I even managed to see Bambi---yes I was ruining the ambience chatting on my mobile phone and then I looked up to see Bambi observing me.  As soon as our eyes connected Bambi decided to prance away but she left behind Thumper who seemed to around in huge numbers!!!!!

By the way I even took this picture off my way Vintage camera---NOT bad...hmmmmmmmmm :)