Wednesday 28 January 2009

Litte Missy Bossy Strikes!!!!!!

Lets paint the scene you're at your friend's house, you've stayed a little longer than you normally do, you happen to be a GUY and there happens to be a little crowd of you, you're relaxing, chatting happily, playing X360---you can picture it now.

Well your time is about to be over because here comes the surprise attack from Little Miss Bossy *TAP TAP TAP* at the door. Your friend's sister calls you "hey hey hey" you answer like as if to say "I BEG YOUR PARDON" as this visitor is totally unannnounced, unexpected and to be quite frank UNWANTED. Your girlfriend has turned up and you have to go!!!!!!

Now, I would've been mortified if my boyfriend did that to me. I mean if it was an EMERGENCY I would expect my mobile to ring and if you turned up to my friend's house and it's not an emergency....well, your asking for trouble!!!!!! Anyways, I thought this was extremely embarrassing and I'm gonna say it I think it's like worse for a GUY in this situation. A word jumps to mind EMASCULATION she might as well say I've got your B@lls!!! HAHAHA

A certain song by Jennifer Hudson springs to mind and guess what Jennifer everyone can relate and if you didn't know you were living under someone else's SPOTLIGHT......that knock on the door sure as HELL put you under one!!!!!

Spotlight - Jennifer Hudson

Sunday 25 January 2009


I sent the Geese packing and decided to change the blog description. But I did like the Geese in scattered formation which was just a cool name for the moon in April supposedly given by Native Americans and that is my birth month and if you didn't know i've an uncanny thing for the moon. In that especially the full moon - to me is one of the most beautifulest things on earth (haha.. well not technically of course as it's in space) and i LOVE it.

1.the state or quality of being or becoming perfect
2. the highest degree of proficiency, skill or excellence, as in some art
3. a perfect embodiment or example of something
4. a quality, trait, or feature of the highest degree of excellence
5.the highest or most nearly perfect degree of a quality or trait
6.the act or fact of perfecting

That is the definition you'll find in the dictionary and i believe too many people waste precious time on striving to be prefect. I personally believe that we all can reach perfection through our imperfections, as I truly feel that the imperfections, flaws, quirky traits, annoying habits, odd features, distinguishing looks and many many other things make us truly PERFECT individuals. I embrace all these things and they shine in a little jar that is INSIDE me and with this I usually SMILE everyday through pain, sadness, loneliness and if i fall into the bottomless pit that i call depression.....with my belief in myself and in accepting everything about ME i believe i am imperfect perfection and with that i can SHINE through the darkest night.

MOve Your Body - D.A.N.C.E

I was sitting on my butt, eyes fixed to MTV watching Randy Jackson's dance show. When you watch it you just know, some people are just meant to dance. I am NOT really one of these people now that's not to say that i can't move my body with the music. Cuz i can do that BUT i'm not someone who can choreograph a routine or think creatively enough to come up with a complex piece of dance. That is not my talent. I wasn't given that gift and I don't mind because there are plenty of other things that you might say I've been blessed to do.

Like digressing... i think i'm adept at the art of D.I.G.R.E.S.S.I.O.N. Anyways, back to this show....I was watching it and was totally blown away by the creativity of this group called FannY Pack (now this does not mean the same in England) and I can't say I'm keen on the NAME. BUT name aside this group is so creative when it comes to moving there body. It's a joy to watch other people do something that shows their greatness.

Well, it just makes me want to go back to my dance class that I always start and stop doing. Watching this show has motivated my lazy ass to want to go dance class BUT i must admit the reason why i usually stop going is i get BORED, which means i need to find a new dance class PERIOD. So, here commences the HUNT for a brand new dance class to attend!!!!!

TV Commercials

I was bored and in my boredom i decided to visit youtube and started looking at TV commercials. Some were just plain old funny (to me :P), others were creative, some were British and others were from the other side of the world. Some of them are really old and i'm talking 1990s and that is old. Wow, it's 2009!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Where did the time go? It really is going so fast I think i need like a remote control so i can put time on slow mode. So i can make a good day last for a month and bad days can just get the old FAST FORWARD. But, if you've seen that movie CLICK you'll know that remote controls and time don't mix well :D:D

Here are the commercials.....ENJOY!!!!

I didn't post in order of preference....but....i must admit that i love the Green Tea one and the Drench one the most!!!!! XDXD