Wednesday 21 October 2009

Hello>>>>>> I'm Back!!! --___<

Hello, I have been gone so long.....what are the reasons..ummmmmm???? First, I'm probably one of the laziest people you'll ever know...yes, yes...I mean my ideal life is that of a beach bum...hahaha! Secondly, I moved to Ulsan in South Korea and I'm trying to adapt to my new and improved lifestyle and thirdly...even though there are like a zillion internet cafes in Korea....they are like the smokiest environments known to MAN...LOL but thank Jesus I have internet in my apartment!!! So, now I can once again go blogging crazy.....I don't think I want my blog to be solely about life in I think it'll just remain the same as before BUT obviously it will be affected by my new accommodation!!! ENJOYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY

Tuesday 6 October 2009

I'm just trying to get back my blogging momentum HENCE the multiple posts!!!! I just got back like an hour ago from Starbucks and I ate the greatest sandwich ever from a place called Isaacs....YUMMMYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY and unfortunately, I'm back in my shoebox apartment. Yes, I live in the tiniest of apartments BUT I'm not one for moaning and I'm more than satisfied to be here in Korea than in a beautiful mansion in London (ummmmm, maybe I lie!!! hahahah).

As you can see the landscape is to die for....this was my first visit to a temple--Tongdosa Temple!!!! It was so amazing and serene and I think I love temples now....maybe I'll become like a Buddhist now or maybe adopt a more Buddhist lifestyle...ummmmmmmm....can I....will this space! All I can say is I love the mountains and all the trees here in Korea and of course the beautiful architecture.

I just had to take a picture of the roof of these gorgeous!!! I love architecture....I wish I was capable of creating something remotely magnificent...PFFTTTTTTT! What was that can I get an ENCORE do you want last time I ....hahahaha.